Discover and appreciate the story behind paintings such as Queen Isabel the Catholic Dictating her Will, or the sad misadventure of Doña Juana La Loca (Queen Juana the Mad), who ends her days as Queen Juana la Loca, Secluded in Tordesillas with her Daughter, Infanta Doña Catalina.
And then there is also the cruel story behind Prince Don Carlos of Viana, and then the catastrophic saga behind the Conversion of the Duke of Gandia.
You will not want to miss the dramatic tale of The Lovers of Teruel, nor miss the heroic yet fatal story behind the Execution of Torrijos and his Companions on the Beach at Málaga.
And then there is also the cruel story behind Prince Don Carlos of Viana, and then the catastrophic saga behind the Conversion of the Duke of Gandia.
You will not want to miss the dramatic tale of The Lovers of Teruel, nor miss the heroic yet fatal story behind the Execution of Torrijos and his Companions on the Beach at Málaga.