Destino was an animated short film that resulted from a collaboration between Walt Disney and the Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dalí. The music, composed by Mexican songwriter Armando Domínguez and performed by Mexican singer Dora Luz, accompanied the captivating images.

The six-minute short film told the love story of Chronos and his unhappy affection for a mortal woman named Dahlia. As Dahlia danced through surreal landscapes inspired by Dalí's paintings, the film, which was released by the Walt Disney Company in 2003, was distinguished by its unique production history, which originated in 1945, 58 years before its final completion.

Destino was based on a script written by Disney Studio screenwriter John Hench and artist Salvador Dalí. Work lasted eight months, from late 1945 to 1946, but financial concerns led Disney to abandon the production.

During the Second World War, the Walt Disney Company, which was still called Walt Disney Studios at the time, struggled with numerous financial problems. Hench tried to rekindle Disney's interest by putting together a test version of the 18-second animated film. However, the production was deemed financially unviable and postponed indefinitely.

In 1999, while he was involved in Fantasia 2000, Walt Disney's nephew Roy E. Disney resurrected the dormant project and decided to bring it back to life. Baker Bloodworth produced the short film, which was directed by French animator Monfréy Dominique in his role as first-class director.

Some 25 animators deciphered Dalí and Hench's cryptic storyboards using the diaries of Dalí's wife Gala Dalí and guidance from Hench. The end result was predominantly a traditional animated film, incorporating Hench's original material and also including some computer animation.

The 18 seconds of original footage that made it into the finished product include the segment with the two turtles, which references the tin soldier sequence in Fantasia 2000, and an idea from Dalí, who saw baseball as a metaphor for life.

Destino made its debut on 2 June 2003 at the International Festival of Animated Film in Annecy, France, where it received much acclaim and numerous awards. In 2003, it received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film.

Resource Books written by
Karla Ingleton Darocas 
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